Our Process

By connecting like-minded organisations and individuals, I61 Foundation creates long term collaborative partnerships that maximise the impact of every contribution.

Potential NPOs and funders are thoroughly screened prior to their registration with the I61 Foundation

NPOs submit their project proposals to the I61 Foundation which are then shared with prospective funders.

After the funder approves the project proposal, funds are transferred into the I61 Foundation bank account.

I61 Foundation provides the funder with a detailed project report, including photos and a summary of expenditure.

I61 Foundation allocates 100% of the funds as per NPO project proposal and closely monitors the project implementation and outcomes.


Proposal Submission

Project Approval

Project Report

Project Monitoring


Potential NPOs and funders are thoroughly screened prior to their resigstration wiht the I61 Foundation

Proposal Submission

NPOs submit their project proposals to the I61 Foudation wich are then shared with prospective funders.

Project Approval

After the funder approves the project proposal, funds are transferred into the I61 Foundation bank account.

Project Monitoring

I61 Foundation allocates 100% of the funds as per NPO project proposal and closely monitors the project implementation and outcomes.

Project Report

I61 Foundation provides the funder with a detailed project report, including photos, for marketing use

Our Compliance Partner

To ensure the highest level of adherence to legal and financial standards, we have partnered with Orison Legal. Their expert guidance helps us maintain the credibility and transparency vital to our mission’s success. We are deeply grateful to Orison Legal for its unwavering support, which is pivotal in reinforcing trust among our partners, funders, and the communities we serve.

Join Our Community

Whether you are a funder or an NPO, let us explore how we can transform communities together.

Our Governance Approach

By prioritising good governance, we foster an environment where our funding partners can collaborate with confidence.

By emphasising the importance of governance, we strive to ensure that NPOs operate effectively, transparently, and ethically, building trust with funders and enhancing their impact on the communities they serve.

Our Vetting Commitment

I61 Foundation engages in rigorous vetting, customised matching and ongoing support of NPOs and funders

NPO Vetting

Funder Vetting

During our vetting process, we evaluate each NPO’s governance practices, including board structure, policies, procedures, compliance with regulatory bodies and financial oversight. This helps us identify organisations that demonstrate strong leadership, accountability and ethical practices.

We also support NPOs in enhancing enhance their governance practices This empowers them to strengthen their internal processes, ensuring greater transparency and accountability and increasing their fund-raising capabilities.

At the I61 Foundation, we also understand the importance of partnering with responsible donors who share our commitment to sustainable giving. To ensure integrity and success of the projects we support, we also conduct a rigorous vetting process for our funders, ensuring the ethical origins of funding.

This comprehensive approach enables us to build strong partnerships that not only support the communities we serve, but also promotes a culture of responsibility, transparency and accountability with all stakeholders.

NPO Regulatory Resource Library (Mauritius)

Our aim is to empower NPOs by equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement best practices in governance.

The I61 Foundation has compiled a comprehensive collection of resources to help non-profit organisations meet all local regulatory requirements. By strengthening their organisational structure, financial management, and compliance, NPOs can enhance their credibility, foster trust with funders and stakeholders and drive a more significant impact in the communities they serve.

Registrar of

NGOs & Associations

Registrar of Companies

Charitable Foundations, Social Enterprises and Companies Limited by Guarantee

Mauritius Revenue


Human Resource Development Council


Data Protection


Training Resources

By accessing international nonprofit training through our education partner, Humentum, you will be able to harness the knowledge required to steer your organisation to greater opportunities and manage them more successfully.

Whether you are a leader or an individual learner, NGO Training with Humentum is designed to build skills and increase practical knowledge. Every year Humentum trains tens of thousands of individuals through their courses and their organizational learning platform, Humentum Learning Services. Their trainers have worked in the sector and understand nonprofit finances, funding, project management, people and culture. Humentum offers the following courses:

NGO Budget Monitoring Essentials
You’ll work with many useful budget monitoring tools and techniques you can apply at your organization to create reports for both internal use and donor reporting.
· Structure and time commitment: online, learn at your own pace, four weeks
· Register here | Cost: $450.00

NGO Budgeting Essentials
By studying actual project budgets, you’ll gain practical skills you can apply at your NGO. You’ll return to work recognizing why it is critical to prepare accurate, complete, and justified budgets for effective program management.
· Structure and time commitment: online, learn at your own pace, four weeks
· Register here | Cost: $450.00

Financial Management for Development Professionals (Finance DPro)
This course helps NGO non-financial managers learn the key principles of good NGO financial management, how to manage financial resources more effectively, and how to integrate good financial management systems.
· Structure and time commitment: online, learn at your own pace, eight weeks
· Register here | Cost: $450.00

Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) DPro

Created by NGOs for NGOs, MEAL DPro improves MEAL skills across the humanitarian and development sector.
· Structure and time commitment: online, learn at your own pace, eight weeks
· Register here | Cost: $450.00

Management Skills for NGOs
In this management skills training, you’ll learn communication strategies, strengthen interpersonal skills, and apply effective techniques.
· Structure and time commitment: live online, log-in and learn in real-time with your dedicated facilitator, two weeks
· Register here | Cost: $550.00

Planning for NGO Financial Sustainability
This training will share proven, practical tools to evaluate your current situation and move from uncertainty to financial sustainability. You’ll learn how to recover administrative costs; find and manage unrestricted funding; diversify your funding; and engage your stakeholders for long-term success.
· Structure and time commitment: online, learn at your own pace, eight weeks
· Register here | Cost: $550.00

USAID Rules and Regulations: Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Whether you are new to USAID funding requirements or have years of program experience, at the end of this highly participatory training you’ll know how to navigate USAID rules and regulations to benefit your work.
· Structure and time commitment: live online, log-in and learn in real-time with your dedicated facilitator, five days
· Register here | Cost: $850.00
· Also available in French

USAID Proposal Development: From NOFO/RFA/RFP to Proposal Submission
This course helps staff members at NGOs effectively manage the proposal process at the country office level by learning how USAID works. You will also learn the processes and challenges of responding to NOFOs, RFAs, and RFPs in the home office.
· Structure and time commitment: online, learn at your own pace, four weeks
· Register here | Cost: $550.00

Founded in 2014, the NGO aims to break the cycle of generational poverty in disadvantaged regions by focusing on education and providing support to children and their families. One of its key initiatives is to educate children starting from kindergarten and guide them throughout their academic journey until they complete their studies.

Ref: https://angesdusoleil.org/en/