Social Welfare Support
Date of Completion:
Funds Raised:
Rs 70,000
Lives Impacted:
Project Overview
Coteau Raffin, where the Association Amour et Espoir is located, is one of the three poorest regions in Mauritius. During the economic downturn after the first lockdown in Mauritius, the conditions were even more devastating, if that’s possible. Many of the parents are unemployed, living in awful conditions. It is critical that these children, enduring unimaginable hardship, receive psychological and social support. The Association ensures this through regular counseling with the consulting psychologist and visits from the social worker, as well as having a close relationship with the headmaster of the local school. Salary support was provided by our funder to the psychologist and social worker. Amour et Espoir are incredibly grateful that they can provide this support, uninterrupted, during this time due to our generous funder.
Please Note: All information herein, in part or in whole, is that of the said NGO and not of the I61 Foundation. 100% of the funds raised will be allocated to the project. If you have any questions, we would be more than happy to answer them. Thank you for your consideration.